Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 15, 2024

  1. Privacy Policy Summary
    Your privacy and understanding of this Policy are of the utmost importance to us. Please refer to the Contact Us section if you need assistance with this Policy. Our Privacy Policy details what information is collected from you, how that information is used, and with whom we share your information.
  2. Our Contact Information
    [email protected]
  3. Security Information
    We ensure that your Personal Information is protected by following standard data protection practices. We cannot guarantee total communication security. It is our belief that you should take all necessary steps to protect your Personal Information.
  4. Information Related to Children
    If it is your belief that your child or a child for whom you are guardian has provided us with any Personal Information, please contact us immediately to delete this information. We never knowingly seek or collect Personal Information from children under the age of 18 years.
  5. My California Privacy Rights
    This specific section applies only to our California web visitors. under the meaning of Section 17014 of Title 18 of the Cal. Code of Regulations. Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA"), a consumer has the right to request a business disclose the Personal Information that it collects, uses, discloses, and sells, no more than 2 times in a period of twelve months. Please continue reading below to learn more about our collection, disclosure, and sales. Additionally, we list instructions on exercising your rights concerning your Personal Information.
  6. What Information Do We Collect?
    We collect, and have collected Personal Information about our visitors in the preceding 12 months in the following categories:
    1. Identifiers
      1. Internet Protocol address and the location of such
      2. Internet or electronic network activity information
      3. Cookies
      4. We collect information from our visitors' interactions with the Site and the advertisements featured on the Site (including the date and time of your visit; the length of your visit; the specific web pages you visited, including any third-party sites reached through the Site; domain name servers; types of computers or devices accessing the Site; types of web browsers and operating systems accessing the Site; and the address of any website that directed you to the Site)
    2. Clicks
      1. We collect clicks from our visitors' interactions with the Site and the third-party advertisements contained therein.
    3. Tags
      1. We collect information from our visitors' interactions with the Site and the advertisements featured on the Site
    4. Web beacons
      1. We collect information from our visitors' interactions with the Site and the advertisements featured on the Site
    5. Tracking pixels
      1. We collect information from our visitors' interactions with the Site and the advertisements featured on the Site
      2. We use the information above as a requirement to give you the best possible access and interaction with our Site. This information is collected directly from you by way of our Site. This includes cookie tags, web beacons, and tracking pixels. To customize your experience on our Site we use and store cookies. A cookie is a small data text file that is stored on your computer's hardware, given that your web browser so permits, that can be retrieved at subsequent visits to our Site to identify you to us. Cookies can ensure a smoother site experience for you and help us to maintain a high level of website security. Cookies may collect a variety of information about you. Including the website that referred you to our Website, your IP address, the type and version of web browser you are using, your internet service provider, your area code and zip code that is associated with your server, the date, length, and time of your visit to our Site. Additionally, we also collect information regarding your responses to certain advertisements that are highlighted on our Website and which third party ads or links you interact with during your visit to our Website.
  7. What Personal Information Do We Disclose or Sell?
    1. We have disclosed the following Personal Information about our visitors to third parties:
    2. Our Site believes in full transparency and has disclosed and sold Personal Information to third parties in the last 12 months. This information is shared with our advertising partners who are third parties and the owners of brands that are highlighted on our Site. The following Personal Information from our visitors have been sold to third parties.
    3. Performance data that includes the specific date, time, and length of your visit to our site; which specific web pages you visited; any third-party sites that you interacted with via our Website, domain name servers; the type of device used to access our Website; your web browser and operating system; and the website addresses that led you to our Website.
    4. Your Clicks which include your responsiveness to certain advertisements that might be highlighted on our Website. Additionally, any third-party ads or links that you interact with via our Website.
    5. Without expressed written consent and authorization we do not knowingly sell any Personal Information of children under the age of 18.
  8. Your Right to Request to Know and How to Submit a Verified Request to Know
    1. You may request to know what Personal Information a business has about a consumer. Such a request is known as a "request to know" and may include some, any, or all of the following:
    2. specific pieces of Personal Information that we have about you;
    3. categories of Personal Information we have collected about you;
    4. categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected;
    5. categories of Personal Information that we have sold or disclosed for a business purpose about you;
    6. categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose; and
    7. the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling the Personal Information.
  9. The CCPA permits requests to know from the same consumer up to twice in a twelve (12) month period.
  10. To submit a request to know, please click here, call 1-800-258-4503 or email us at [email protected] In order to properly process your request, it might be necessary for you to submit additional information. Such information can include, but not be limited to, your email address. This information is necessary to verify your request against your data records. You may use an authorized agent to submit a request for information. As such, we might request proof of your consent to use the authorized agent in addition to verification of your identity prior to your request being processed. The information submitted to us as part of your request will only be used for verifying your identity and providing you with relevant information.
  11. Your Right to Request Deletion and How to Submit a Verified Request to Delete
    1. Your rights include the ability to request the deletion of any Personal Information that we have collected or maintained about you. If you would like to submit a request to delete email us at [email protected]. As part of our process for locating your information it might be necessary to provide additional information, such as your email address. If you choose to use an authorized agent to submit the request to delete, we will require proof of your consent to submit the request to delete in addition to verification of your own identity prior to your request being processed. If this additional information is required, this additional information will only be used for verification and processing your request to delete.
    2. We use and are required to use a multiple step process for online requests to delete information. You must clearly indicate your request to delete, and we must confirm separately that you do indeed want your Personal Information to be deleted. We may not be required to fulfill your request for deletion if it is necessary for us to maintain such information as indicated in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.105(d) which may include, but not be limited to, complete a transaction for which the Personal Information was collected, provide any goods or services that you have requested, detection of potential or actual security incidents, protection against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, etc.
  12. Your Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of Your Privacy Rights
    California affords consumers with the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by a business for the exercise of their privacy rights conferred by the CCPA. This means that you cannot be denied goods or services; be charged different prices or rates; be provided with a different level or quality of goods or services; or have it suggested that you will receive a different price or rate or different level or quality of goods or services. Notwithstanding the above, a business can charge a consumer a different rate or price or provide a different level or quality of goods or services, if that difference is reasonably related to the value provided to the consumer by the consumer's data. Further, notwithstanding the above, a business may offer financial incentives for the collection of Personal Information, the sale of Personal Information, or the deletion of Personal Information, and may also offer a different price, rate, level, or quality of goods or services to the consumer if that different is directly related to the value provided to the consumer by the consumer's data.
  13. How we Collect, Share, and Use Information
    When visiting our website your computer provided information may be collected, Stored, Shared, and/or tracked. This information includes the specific time and date that you accessed the website, how long you stayed on our website, the name of the website(s) accessed, websites connected to via our website, the location of your computer or mobile device and IP address, domain name servers, devices used to access our site, The device operating system, The type of web browser you are using, and which website address that connected you to our site. This information is used to provide you the best possible interaction on our site and for marketing uses.

    We utilize multiple techniques to attack and study your Traffic Data. We utilize cookies, tags, web beacons, and tracking pixels. It is possible that we may share Traffic Data with our third-party partners and agents, vendors, affiliates, and advertisers. Should you authorize push notifications from our website we engage third party service providers to send these notifications to you. As you interact with our Website, we use cookies to individualize your information. Cookies use letter and number identifications which are stored on your device via your web browser. Cookies are very common and used by most websites for an individualized experience. Certain cookies enable the Websites to have increased interaction for the visitor and customize the Website for each visitor by remembering your preferences and analyzing your personal use of the Website. When cookies are used with your web server's log files, we can count the number of people that visit and engage with our Website and which pages receive the most visitor engagement. We use this information to give our visitors the best possible and most relevant experience. Third party information, such as advertisements, links, or images might be visible on our Website. Third party cookies, tags, web beacons, or tracking pixels could be found on our Website to analyze user behavior patterns. We have no jurisdiction over third parties or how their business is conducted. Information about traffic on our Website that is collected by us might be used by us or third parties in any lawful manner. This includes analysis and tracking which level or type of user engagement and/or trends on our Website, individualizing targeted content, offers, individualized advertisements based on visitor engagement; overall individualized Site experiences based on preferences; or improving your unique Website experience.

    When we are required by law, we will take action regarding do not track or other similar mechanisms. Some third parties and their services can still collect your tracking information even when do not track functionality or mechanism has been enabled.

    Additionally, when you voluntarily submit information ("Personal Information") to us via the website and subsequent form we collect, track, and store this information. This Personal Information includes, but is not limited to your zip code, your full name, email address, and telephone number.

    This information may be used for marketing and advertising purposes by means of email, phone call, and/or SMS/text messages according to your opt in. Should you decide to opt out of such communications we offer multiple options. You can unsubscribe at any time via the email communication unsubscribe instructions within the email. To opt out of phone calls you may email us at [email protected]. You may opt out of SMS/Text messages by following the unsubscribe instructions in the text message. We will honor your request(s) within ten days of receiving your opt out request.

    When your consent is given for SMS/text messages we may gather Personal Information. These communications via SMS/text messages will be charged to you by your mobile carrier. We cannot accept any liability for delays in your messaging due to your carrier's services.

    Your Personal Information may be shared with third parties who, in return, may send you relevant or similar offers. The rental, selling, or sharing of your Personal Information with third parties is possible when collected through our site. These third parties may contact you using the same methods that you have opted in with us. This can include, but not be limited to, email communication, telephone communications, SMS/text messaging by way of automatic dialing or previously recorded voice messages. When you voluntarily provide your Personal Information to us you are giving your written consent for the divulgence of this information to third parties. Furthermore, you agree to be the recipient of email communications, telephone communications, and/or SMS/text messaging by way of automatic dialing or previously recorded voice messages from these third parties.

    If we must comply with a law, investigation, court order, or similar regulation your Personal Information might be disclosed to a third party without your consent. These circumstances might include, but not be limited to, preventing cases of fraud, or to implement or preserve our rights. Additionally, your Personal Information may be shared during a sale, transfer, or merger of all or part of our business and assets.
  14. What is Retargeting?
    The reason for using retargeting is to continue visitor engagement once a visitor has left our Site. Once you see actual product images or offers on our Site you may see retargeting ads that are based on these images or offers. An example of this could be if you viewed or interacted with an actual product on a retail website you could see this product as an advertisement at a later time. In order to personalize each visitor's experience, we do not show the same ad to every visitor. We use a dynamic advertisement application which chooses the most applicable advertisement copy based on your interactions on our Website. Individualized retargeting works when an advertiser embeds our tag on their website. This tag will then embed a third-party cookie on the browser of the user that is visiting our Website. Then, using real time bidding ad exchanges, it is a possibility to direct media buying efforts against those visitors. Our individualized retargeting advertisements will match the most relevant offers to each unique visitor based on their previous interactions on the Website. All advertisers using our Website's services have a responsibility to limit the amount of advertisement impressions that are shown to every unique visitor to confirm that users are not shown an unreasonable number of specific advertisements.
  15. I do not want to be Re-Targeted
    If you decide that you would like to not see personalized ads, please email us at [email protected] and indicate that you would like to remove tracking cookies. We believe that this makes removing tracking cookies for our users that do not want to see these ads.
  16. Explanation of Third-Party Website Links
    Our site could include links to and from other websites. The content, Privacy Policies, or general security of these third-party sites is not our responsibility. If you choose to interact with these sites, it is done so at your own risk. We advise you to review the privacy policies and practices of these sites.
  17. Your Choices
    If you decide that you no longer wish to receive promotion communications from us, after previously choosing to do so, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions in the email that you have received. If you wish to stop receiving telephone communications from us, please opt out by emailing us at [email protected] to be added to our internal do not call list. If you wish to change your cookie settings, you may do so by adjusting your browser's settings to disable or delete cookies. If you decide to disable cookies your interactions may be limited with some services. Every browser and operating system have unique security information. If you require more information, please contact your browser's specific company to inquire further.

    To opt out of receiving text messages from us please follow the opt out instructions as indicated in the text message.

    By clicking the "allow" option when agreeing to push notifications through our website we may send push notifications to your browser. Should you choose to engage with these notifications they will navigate you to our website and/or a third-party website. If you would like to opt out of these notifications, please reference and follow the instructions as indicated on the push notification.
  18. Changes to Privacy Policy
    Our Privacy Policy might be changed or updated, and we reserve the right to do so at any time. If the Policy is changed or updated, we will indicate the changes here. We advise that you frequently check our Policy for any changes or updates. Should you continue to use our Website this indicates your understanding and acceptance of the current Policy.